Italian Legends Guild

Welcome To Italian Legends Forum
Italian Legends Guild

PangYa Season 4: Delight

World Cup Albatross18

World Cup Albatross18

~~~ Italian Legends classificati come QUARTI. Un grazie a tutti coloro che hanno creduto in noi e che ci hanno supportato durante questa fantastica avventura. ~~~

Italian Legends Guild


1 user(s) active in the past 30 minutes
F_ACTIVE1 guests, 0 members, 0 Anonymous Members [ View Complete List ]

Groups legend:
[IL Admin]
[IL Member]
[IL Moderator]
[IL Recruiter]
[IL Newser]
[IL Trainer]
[IL New Member]
[IL Ex Member]
[Awaiting validation]
Italian Legends Guild have 14,185 posts, 1,333 topics, 148 members, 104,021 total visits, 16 monthly visits
The newest member is:
Ale Stolast user